Trail of Tears, October 4, 1838

 Potawatomi Trail of Death - Diary of William Polke, 4 Oct.1838: 

"Although the ferriage of the river was completed last night before we slept, it was thought advisable by the Conductor to remain in camp today. The Indians made use of the opportunity thus afforded, to furnish themselves with moccasins, continue to wash their blankets and clothes, and do many other thing necessary to their comfort and cleanliness during the remainder of the journey." 

"The health of the Indians is now almost as good as before we commenced our march from Twin Lakes - a few days more will entirely recruit them. A young child died in the evening." 

(NOTE: They spent 9 hours fording Illinois River. It is believed that Phillips' Ferry from Valley City, a few miles south of Naples, was hired to do the ferrying.). 

Drawing "Abakweshk Naken" meaning Cattail Mat by Candi Wesaw.


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