Trail of Tears, October 10, 1838
Potawatomi Trail of Death - Diary of William Polke, 10 Oct.1838:
“The settlement of yesterday was concluded today, and every person engaged in the service, save the officers of the emigration, was paid up to the thirtieth. In order to allow the wagoners an opportunity of repairing their wagons, shoeing their horses and making other repairs necessary for the safe prosecution of the journey, much extra ferriage was done during the two days of our encampment at the river.
“This might have been avoided by remaining on the Quincy shore, but the dissolute habits of the Indians and their great proneness to intoxication, forbid such a step on the part of the agents of the government. At sunset all the wagons that had been repairing, were in camp, and we were prepared for next day’s journey.”
NOTE: Roots of the epidemic of alcohol-related problems among Native Americans is a direct response to European arrival. Evidence from historical records show that alcohol was deliberately pressed upon the natives because it was an immensely profitable, using it as a tool of "diplomacy" in official dealings between authorities and natives.
Drawing of Ashkum, member of the forced removal; artist unknown.
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