How to Support Native Americans part 1
Bozho. As we approach Halloween, it’s the annual time for are-Indian-costumes-cultural-appropriation questions. In short, yes, our regalia are not costumes; and for Pete’s sake if you’re an adult female, wearing a headdress and fringed faux leather short dress that looks like a stripper’s outfit is really in bad taste. So in honor of this “season,” I’m going to post ways to support our heritage instead of belittling people who are just ignorant. Seriously, if you’ve only learned about Native culture from grade school and westerns, it is my responsibility to feed you some facts. No shaming intended. Mostly. November is also Native American History Month. [credit to Vice magazine, author Simon Moya-Smith, with some editing on my part] 1. Stop using the word "powwow" when you plan your office meetings. Conference rooms are not where powwows take place. Powwows are celebrations of our Indigenous cultures, which include dance (in regalia, not “costumes”), food, art, mu...