Medicine Wheel - Four Directions
The medicine wheel represents many concepts but overall represents circles of life and connections. Starting at the top and going clockwise * The four directions: North, East, South, West. [I’ll just plant a seed here that in some discussions about directions, there are seven, which add above, below, and center] * Stages of life: elders, children, youth, adult (Yup, I’m elder - older than 55) * Medicines: sweetgrass, tobacco, cedar, sage (used in ceremonies, gifts, cleansing, healing, protection) (Wishkpemishkos, Sema, Kishki, Wabshkebyek). More on smudging another day. * Seasons: winter, spring, summer, fall * Elements: wind, fire, earth, water East is the direction of new beginnings. Grand Entry at Pow Wow is through the eastern door and circles clockwise. The pipe with tobacco (before sweatlodge and other ceremonies) is raised to the east first, then south-west-north, then passed clockwise. Keywords: wheel...